
Founding Design Partner


Founding Design Partner

Treverity Hero Image
Treverity Hero Image






Founding Design Partner


I was tasked with the opportunity to redefine and enhance the company's product design and development process, focusing on a human-centric approach across more than 20 products.


My goals included creating a unified design library, establishing a data visualization workflow, improving situational awareness design, integrating customer feedback, designing data-centric systems, conducting national journey mapping, and collaborating with various stakeholders from field workers to the executive team.


  • I built a design ops process that connected the design library with development components, ensuring a seamless integration between design and development.

  • Architected and designed Data Visualization Workflows to make complex data more accessible and actionable.

  • Enhanced Situational Awareness Design to be flexible for use on mobile devices and in mission control rooms, improving decision-making capabilities.

  • Developed prototypes, workflows, user stories, and design library components to facilitate a consistent and efficient design process for rapid solutions, including app solutions built within 48 hours for helping Houston linemen identify key solutions during Hurricane Harvey.

  • Implemented strategies to integrate customer feedback throughout the project and product lifecycle, ensuring products met user needs and expectations.

  • Created data-centric design systems to support evidence-based decision-making.

  • Led National Journey Mapping efforts to document the energy distribution and delivery process from the perspective of operational staff, improving process understanding.

  • Authored ongoing research results and worked across departments to translate user-journey pain points into creative solutions.

  • Prioritized a user-centered methodology in collaboration with the executive team, ensuring strategic alignment with user needs.

  • Partnered with Centerpoint to design insightful and actionable applications for diverse operational environments, including mobile, control rooms, and board rooms.

  • Co-authored the company's story and solutions roadmap, articulating a vision that emphasized human solutions to customer challenges.


Successfully designed and implemented several key products, including a Damage Assessment mobile app, Resource Manager for mobile and desktop, Utility 360 for asset discovery, and a Control Room application for electric grid data visualization. These products significantly enhanced operational efficiency, situational awareness, and decision-making capabilities.

My efforts led to the development of a coherent and compelling narrative for the company, emphasizing our focus on human-centered solutions and directly contributing to improved customer engagement and satisfaction.

The company was eventually sold to ARGOS, with the User Interface as being an integral reason for the sale.

Always open for brainstorming and consulting services.

Always open for brainstorming and consulting services.